Saturday, September 5, 2009

Meet the Flock: Lord Yupa

Hello, my name is Lord Yupa, and I am the cutest bird in the flock.  I'm named after a famous swordsman from a Miyazaki movie (10 points if you can guess which one). I'm trying to live up to that the early days I seem to be in the running for top bird in the pecking order.

I'm a Polish, which means that I'll have black feathers at maturity, with a white mop on my head. 

I like to eat before bed. On my first day at my new home, I got so sleepy that I fell asleep with my head dangling inside my feeder. Today, I fell asleep in a plate of food.   

Because I'm technically a bantam breed, I wasn't sexed at I have a 50/50 shot of being male, and thus ending up in the pot. My family is thus trying not to get too attached to me...good luck with that!

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